Tag: singapore

Start your dream business in Singapore with confidence

Company incorporation in Singapore is an exciting endeavor, and the country offers a supportive environment for entrepreneurs. To begin with confidence, here are some key steps and considerations:

1. Business Idea and Plan:

  • Start by developing a well-researched business idea and a comprehensive business plan. Identify your target market, competition, and unique value proposition.

2. Legal Structure:

  • Choose the most suitable legal structure for your business. A Private Limited Company (Pte Ltd) is a common choice, offering limited liability protection.

3. Company Registration:

  • Register your company with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). Ensure you complete all the necessary paperwork, including the Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&AA).

4. Business Name and Branding:

  • Choose a unique and memorable business name. Ensure it complies with ACRA’s naming guidelines. Develop a strong brand identity to stand out in the market.

5. Compliance and Licensing:

  • Understand and

11 tips to boost your trading profit in Singapore

To succeed in trading in Singapore, you must follow these tips to boost your trading profit.

Look at charts daily

The best way to improve your long term performance is by looking at the market daily. You can use apps or websites that have real-time data for this. Look at several days worth of information every morning before you start work, so you know what to expect when working in the markets later on.

Don’t be afraid of volatility

Remember that volatility gives you opportunities, rather than taking them away; don’t avoid busy trading periods because they are more volatile and result in more significant price fluctuations. It can be challenging if you miss out on a lot of sleep! However, increased activity generally results in more opportunities to make money.

Don’t chase deals

Unless you’ve done extensive research and know that a company’s prospects are good, please resist the …